by Mac | Sep 8, 2023 | Blog, Gym Report, Interviews
Raphael Moa is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt under Edison Kagohara and the newly appointment Head Coach of the Renowned Carpe Diem Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu branch in Bangkok. Originally from Kuching, Malaysia Raphael’s life took an unexpected turn into Jiu-Jitsu...
by Pons | Oct 30, 2020 | Gym Report, Interviews, Jiu-Jitsu-Log
Good Morning Grapplers of Asia (Part 2) Jiu-Jitsu-Log (Manila,Philippines) BJJ is growing at an incredible pace in Asia and definitely so in the Philippines. As of this writing (November 2020), 87 academies are running in Manila alone. Imagine having an academy every...
by Pons | Oct 28, 2020 | Bohol Island Jiu Jitsu, Gym Report
Island Jits (Part 1) Bohol Island Jiu Jitsu (Bohol, Philippines) Beach, surfing, jits – these three images go perfectly well together. It is starting to be commonplace to have retreats that include these three elements in one weekend event. Today, we’ll...
by Dorothy | Oct 26, 2018 | Blog, Dorothy Does, Gym Report, Lifestyle, Travel, Trip Report
Just a few weeks ago, Dave Clahan, owner of my home gym, Ralph Gracie Berkeley, posted on our team page that he was planning a BJJ team trip to Mongolia. After approximately 60 seconds of contemplation, I booked a flight to Ulaanbaatar. Another trip added to an...
by Jehan | May 11, 2018 | Gym Report, HArt Academy, Training, Trip Report
The first weekend of December has traditionally been Thai Father’s Day and is celebrated as a national holiday with a long weekend. Each year we tend to take a cultural trip to a neighboring country for a bit of a break before the...
by Mac | Apr 18, 2018 | Gym Report, Travel, Trip Report
Recently, I had the privilege to visit Carpe Diem Mita in Tokyo. Attending part time study at Temple University in Tokyo I was walking distance to the gym and was keen to see what the hype was. Gi packed and class finished, I made my way to the basement gym. History ...